Kirsten Schwarz, Allgemeinmedizinerin in
Kirsten schwarz
Kirsten Schwarz is an urban ecologist working at the interface of environment, equity, and health. Her research focuses on environmental hazards and amenities in cities and how their distribution impacts minoritized communities.Kirsten Schwarz, Allgemeinmedizinerin in Kirsten Schwarz, an associate professor at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health, has been named a program director of the National Science Foundation’s Division of Environmental Biology. In the new role, she will help select which research projects are supported by the foundation’s $ billion budget.
Kirsten Schwarz. Ich möchte unseren Kirsten Schwarz University of California, Los Angeles Department of Urban Planning Department of Environmental Health Sciences kschwarz@ | @kirsten_schwarz APPOINTMENTS present Affiliated Faculty, UCLA Institute of the Environment and Sustainability.
Praxis für Logopädie in Kirsten Schwarz is with the Department of Biological Sciences at Northern Kentucky University, in Highland Heights. William D. Shuster, Ahjond S. Garmestani, and Matthew E. Hopton are affiliated with the National Risk Management Laboratory at the US Environmental Protection Agency, in Cincinnati, Ohio.